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FlyBoard from 1 June to 15 October.


  •  10 min. - 99 BGN.
  •  20 min. - 159 BGN.
  •  30 min. - 199 BGN.

HD video of the experience included in the price!

If you really want to feel weightless,

FLYBOARD guarantees this feeling, one hundred percent!


EQUIPMENT - provided:

1. A neoprene suit with a thickness of 5 mm.

2. Neoprene gloves 5 mm thick.

3. Neoprene boots with a thickness of 5 mm.

4. Life jacket.

5. Helmet.



1. Maximum weight of the person - 110 kg.

2. Minimum age for admission - 14 years

3. Persons under 18 with the presence of one of the parents.

4. Water sports are held on the Batak Dam.

    A. by prior arrangement.

    B. under favorable weather conditions.

5. The proposal is valid from 1 June to 15 October.

6. Please bring with you a dry towel.